Tuesday, March 12, 2013

click it to clip it

 Many people often times  ask " How do you get coupons?"

Yes you can get coupons in the Sunday paper, online,  on facebook,  in magazines, etc.
 You can also get coupons by emailing companies!

Often times you can email a company and tell them how much you  like, or dislike, their  product to get coupons or special discounts you won't find anywhere else!
You are not guaranteed a response at all , but it is worth a shot

Click it to clip it!

Sunny D- email   Service.Fin@SunnyD.com
Germ-x - email   info@germx.com
Purell- email  inquiries@purell.com
true lemon- email  customercare@truelemon.com
wonderful pistachios- email   info@getcrackin.com

If you have a favorite company you would like us to write, or if you get a great response from a company, please feel free to leave a comment :)

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